Monday, December 18, 2006

Coffee Drank

Check, Though not for the last time this vacation I've drank coffee. I alway picked up Abraham Joshua Heschel's Sabbath. Which I learned about in blogger land. I've also been reading through the sermon on the mount savoring the moments in the word. Other than that I've been doing a bit of relaxing and a lot of working. Merry Christmas to all. And a Joyeux Noel to my friends and visiters in Bloggerland.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

post its, great for small lists...

So a semester has nearly ended. Ive learned Hebrew and visited Thailand, started a photo blog, and bought a car. I'm looking forward to the Semester break and all the things I think I'll get done.
Top Ten To Do List for January(that will actually happen):
1. Read Books
2. Drink Coffee
3. Visit Naan and Curry
4. Make Grandma's present
5. Clean fish tank
6. Paint Jitters
7. watch Stargate SG-1 season 7
8. write Curriculum
9. organize book shelves
10. finish wall mural

Top Ten Things I ought to do. (but probably won;t happen)
1.Organize files
2. Practice Hebrew
3. Clean Room
4. compile fall school work
5. Finish scarf
6. exercise regularily
7. catch up on correspondance
8. pre-read Justo Gonzalas
9. clean out closet
10. go to dentist