Monday, December 18, 2006

Coffee Drank

Check, Though not for the last time this vacation I've drank coffee. I alway picked up Abraham Joshua Heschel's Sabbath. Which I learned about in blogger land. I've also been reading through the sermon on the mount savoring the moments in the word. Other than that I've been doing a bit of relaxing and a lot of working. Merry Christmas to all. And a Joyeux Noel to my friends and visiters in Bloggerland.


Kelly said...

I didnt know that you had a blog!

Bekah said...

yeah, I do. Although this one isn't used anymore. I use the Bekah's Bytes One weekly. I blog about books, recipies and random bits of life.

Kelly said...

oh cool! I will add it to my blog lists!!! yeah!

ilovepink1078 said...

hehehe. Im looking your riday fillin.

Anyway, nice to know you. happy weekend