Friday, April 8, 2005


I am me. I am a third culture kid. As much as I have heard that phrase tossed about, until I read Pollack and Van Reken's book Third Culture Kid, I believed it was a phrase that was reserved for children growing up internationally. My experience of 2 1/2 years in Great Britain could not be considered a lifetime. However, I am learning while their are degrees of of so many part of life, the challenges may be less, but the disconnect, the relational challenges, the missed pop culture, they are all there. I remember the looks upon asking who John Bon Jovi was. Having been a military brat, the very culture we lived in required a high mobility subsistence. In a hi today, bye tommorrow culture you made friends quickly, but never went deep into friendship. The authors frequently quote from Military Brats by Mary Edwards Wertsch. Every line of their referencing strike a chord on a deep level. If you have ever lived internationally as a child, read the book. It validates the difference which are both strengths and challenges.

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