Sunday, October 9, 2005

I was tagged.

Okay Kim this blogs for you. ninjanun

10 years ago: 1995 Second semester of college. Not too interesting. Wrote a 10 page paper on the justifications of William the conqueror conquering England. I love English History.

5 years ago:2000 hmm... I think I was teaching 7th and 8th grade math and science, but it might have been 6th grade this year. Some of it blends together. Either way, I came to enjoy parts of math. I loved teaching science.

1 year ago: Same school, same room, different classes, different roommate. Actually this time last year I was knee deep in mid-terms and doing to much while sleeping too little. I was overstressed and and am glad I have since simplified even if I haven't slowed down.

Yesterday: 2nd Saturday art group day. I love being immersed in a group of artists who are supportive and genuine. Then I worked at the Bucks and had a rather enjoyable, though extremely long shift.

5 snacks I enjoy: Ice Cream, Dark Chocolate, Fresh raspberries, Home Made Chocolate Chip Cookies, Edamame.

5 songs I know all the words to: Probably no songs. I'm terrible with words. But nearly all the words well...Where you Lead- Carol King, The Love of God- From Here to There, One girl Revolution- Superchick, Mood Rings- Reliant K, Come, The Heart of Worship

5 things I do with 100 million dollars: Pay every debt I owe, buy a decent car, give money to my church and school(maybe they could repair our dorm roof), pay off my brother and parent's houses, invest wisely.

5 places I'd run away to: England, LA, France, South Africa, India

5 things I'd never wear: indecent clothing intentionally, shoes too small for my feet, rabbit fur sweater (allergic to rabbit), binding clothing, red turtlenecks.

5 favorite TV shows: Boy Meets World, Stargate SG-1, Gilmore Girls, Seeing that I rarely even watch these three anymore I really can't think of two more. I just have little TV time.

5 favorite toys: Computer, Tennis Racket, Paints, Camera, Cardstock.

Okay Kim I've done it. This took 40 minutes. I'm not passing it on.


Ninjanun said...

sorry it took so long. I guess I didn't realize how busy you are!!

Thanks for sharing, though. I always like learning new things about my friends. :)

Bekah said...

I did CHOOSE to complete it. I just know how busy many of my fellow friends online are. It is interesting how quickly time can slip away.