Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Apologies Accepted

Have you ever noticed how much easier they are to accept than offer? Sometimes if I would just not open my mouth I could save myself a great deal of anguish. Sometimes if I would think and then speak rather than saying the first thing that jumps into my mind I would reduce my problems. And, sometimes I just need to be less mean. The other day I had to apologize for neglecting a good friend. I began to realize since the semester had started it had been me taking and not giving at all. Then I had to apologize for my sardonic attitude to another person. I don't mean to be hurtful, I just don't always think through to the consequences of my words. Then I had to apologize to a co-worker for rudeness. It wasn't so much that I was trying to be rude, but my tone and attitude certainly were not displaying positive vibes.
Granted all three persons accepted my apologies. However, I think I will seriously try and curb my sardonic approach to life. It is definitely not making my life simple, nor is it necessary for having fun.

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