Thursday, February 3, 2005

Do Lobsters Dream?

Do Lobsters Dream?

Light shed on Lobsters...
Barbara Kingsolver, one of the authors I forced to read in college, and actually enjoyed has a book called Animal Dreams. It is one of the best contemporary novels I've read. Yes that would be a subjective statement, but then I've yet to find an objective blog. Back to Kingsolver...
In her book " All mammals that have been tested to have REM sleep, except spiny Anteaters." Poor anteaters. Were they dreamless that night, or do they really have no dreams, but I digress. After the ensuing discussion in the text, the other character says, "If you want sweet dreams, you have to live a sweet life." Ah to have a life worth dreaming about, now that is indeed a life worth living.
As for my lobster, well no dreams. At least I don't think so. However according to Phoebe on Friends, they do mate for life. Ergo, I am looking for my lobster, and not the red stuffed one my friend jokes with me about.
So there you have it, insight into my Blog's title, and there you are.
Until next time the blogging mood strikes.


Vaughan said...

Ah. I thought the title was simply random for random's sake. That'll teach me to think.

Bekah said...

Ah, although I am by appearances random, there's always some sort of logic warped or otherwise.