Wednesday, June 8, 2005


I finished reading Unlearning Church and wrote my five pages. For those who are curious the book was nicely written, but not overly revolutionary. I believe that genre of books is a bit flooded. I'm now flying through Spiritual Leadership by the Blackabys. I'm feeling less resentful to the course with one book finshed and one books almost half way read. I even painted a lovely response to Unlearning Church which I am planing on attatching to the review/essay.

I went to the library as a money saving option to pick up an optional book and returned with a pile of hopeful books from the library. The only location more dangerous to bookish me is a bookstore, because they charge me to take books home. I think I must find the public library to suppliment my book list. The seminary library lack in fiction, though rightly so, and since Paradise Lost was read in Jan-term break I think I will attempt some more contemporary texts. I picked up God in Search of Man by Heschel. Though the fact that it was his largest book on the shelf nearly convienced me to try a shorter one first. I'll let all know how that book turns out.

Apparently I have become recently interested in Philosophy. Abraham Joshua Heschel's book is subtitled a Philosophy of Judaism. I read Bonhoeffer's letters from prison, Keirkegaard's book on faith, and some Heidegger essays in the last few months. The thing is I hated my college philosophy class. It was my poorest grade. I think back to Dr. Wester days and wonder if it was the proffesser, the time (8 am), the age of me, or something else that caused such dislike, when I now willingly have philosophical dialogues.

So, back to the ducklings for all those wondering what this has to do with my title, I was rushing from reading at the park to meeting with my pastor when I saw a mama duck and seven ducklings swimming in a fountain. Oh for my digital camera. This was not any fountain. It was a fountain in the middle of the road. I wonder how she managed to get her ducklings to the fountain across three lanes of traffic and how she got them back safely to the side of the road. The conclusive I prefer is the man on the bicycle spontaneously directing traffic away from the crossing duck family. REgardless of the precarious life of a duckling they created a smile on my face and still do as they swam peacefully amidst the afternoon communters and soccer moms, though I think currently it is mostly lacrosse and baseball.

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